Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Humanity of Christ - Living Compassion In and Through Us

 Someone sent me an article in the NYT (September 22, 2012 A21) "A Doctor's Ministry, Bridging Science and Spirit" -  which is extraordinary. Journalist Samuel G. Freedman quotes Dr. Joseph Dutkowsky of New York-Presbyterian/Columbia: "Some people stand next to the ocean to feel the presence of God. I get to see the likeness of God every day. I see children with some amazing deformities. But God doesn't make mistakes. So they are the image." He goes on: "For years, when asked why I chose this profession, I had no good answer until I came upon the first chapter of the Gospel of John. Jesus and his disciples come upon a man who was blind from birth. The disciples asked Jesus, 'Did this man or his parents sin that he was born blind?' Jesus answered that the blindness was not the result of the man or his parents' sin.  The man was born blind 'so the glory of God might be revealed.' Every day in my work I find myself in the revealed glory of God.'" 

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