Monday, November 19, 2007

"A Grace Given" - Kent Gilges

There is a blessing sent from God in every burden of sorrow. There is hope in that, hope even in a dying child.

235 pages

ISBN #: 978-0-615-17626-0

LCCN: 2007908831

Cider Press

Trade Paperback

$18.95 Pub date: 3/2008

“To read A Grace Given is to experience the truth of St. Exupery’s renowned secret dictum: ‘It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye’… Father, child, and love. That is what this book is about. Yes, it is about hope, but it is about much more than that to me. It is about what is most essential, and it is about allowing the eye to see what is most often invisible.”

Reverend Robert A. Connor, from the Foreword

Copyright 2007. Cider Press Publications. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

Leticia said...

I received an advance copy to review and agree completely, it was a great read, especially for Lent. As the mother of a special needs child, I appreciate the gift they are to a family, and Kent expresses it so eloquently, I read the book in two days.