Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Fatima Today

As Our Lady of Fatima was the key to the "impossible" downfall of Marxism via the consecration of the world and Russia on March 25, 1984. So, she will persuade Our Lord to perform the miracle of Matrimony today - ending the practice of contraception and the dissolution of marriage - by a universal acceptance of it as a way of holiness, and therefore, self-giving in the image of Christ's Self-gift for the Church (to death). Via the remarks of Cardinal Walter Kasper, we know the Holy Father considers 50% of the marriages today to be invalid, and this because they are entered into without living faith, i.e. the total giving of themselves. This appears to be an impossible situation, i.e., the crossing from bourgeois life to the radical life of holiness in ordinary living. But as we all saw the "impossible" take place in 1989-1990 with the peaceful exodus of central and eastern Europe from Marxist totalitarianism, the only impediment is our lack of trust in her intervention.

   As Cardinal Ratzinger interpreted the third secret of Fatima for the Church: History is not inevitable. The Pope was supposed to be shot and killed. He was shot, but not killed. "One hand fired the bullet, another hand guided it." Our Lady entered into the causality of history and changed it. So also now: the flow of history is the Church as "field hospital after battle." People contracept and marriages break. But that is not the last word - if we will give ourselves to her and ask.

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